Monday, September 24, 2012

New Features!

I've been trying to come up with some new features that I can do on my blog. Some things that will make this site more productive to the writing community in general. And hopefully a little more entertaining to my followers. Mainly, I think I'm going to try adding to my posting schedule. (Like anyone needs more stuff to read on the internet...)

Here's my current thinking:
Monday: Blog post
Wednesday: Book review
Friday: Writing prompt (Unedited, 500-1000 words max)
My biggest concern is whether I'll be able to keep up with this schedule. As long as I keep the posts brief, everything should be fine. Be sure to watch for the train wreck...

And of course October-November is a huge monkey wrench since I'll be doing the October Memoir and Backstory Challenge (25 days of blogging) followed up with NaNoWriMo in November (write 50,000 words in a month). I'm going to have to do a months blogging before then...

Additionally, I'm creating two other features I'll be running on this site.
  • A page listing writing conferences and retreats.
  • A side box featuring a challenge to expand your world.
The writing conference page will list as many Conferences (cons) as I run across, but I won't say the list will be comprehensive, because I still want to spend my time WRITING, not web developing.

The side box will have little things you can do to step away from your computer and expand your knowledge base. It'll usually be something simple. For example, my first will be: make hash browns without a recipe. If you already know how to make hash browns... well... don't tell anybody. Everybody else needs to give them a try. I'm going to be willing to take suggestions for this feature that are sent to me through my Twitter account.

1 comment:

  1. I wish you well in your endeavor's I think we all want to do better, post more -- but more interesting, and contribute in a new and unique way. As far as a train wreck, not possible. Your site is awesome, and most of us are wondering how you already do it. Relax, you've got a plan in mind, most of us (well I am) are just winging it. :)


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